Thursday, July 05, 2007

English Language and Music

Today I just want to share a couple of links that some of you might find interesting.

First off, in my recent travels I found this post that was made on a blog called "Teaching High School" that appears no longer to be active. Just a little gem you might want to use with students to remind them how challenging it is to learn English.

Secondly, Wesley Fryer is one of the more inspired educators to be blogging these days, and he's also an active podcaster. You can subscribe to his "Moving at the Speed of Creativity" podcasts on iTunes or at his blog site. He's a techie who is very conscious of the fact that we have to think of kids first, not tools, and he frequently makes reference to John Dewey, a great educational thinker who we'll be talking about at our next class (if you're curious about this man who died over 50 years ago, yet whose ideas feel amazingly "cutting edge," check out the brief, engaging essay, "My Pedagogic Creed," in the July 13th folder on CTools).
In any event, the chance to check out Wesley's own ideas is the best reason to go to his blog, but he linked to the most curious website a few days back, and I wanted to share this link as one of those "How in heck does this work..." kind of moments.
The site is called, and it's basically a song recognition site. You hum a tune, it tells you (with impressive accuracy) what song you're humming.
Here's Wesley's blog posting about the site. Have fun...

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